Watch color combinations can occasionally seem all too predictable. There is the silver on gold models, or the all silver models, or the all gold models. Sometimes you have a gold case with a brown leather band or a silver case with a black leather band, but when it comes to high end top quality watches there seems to be a lack in innovative color combinations.
Luckily Invicta mens watches seems to be making moves decisively in the direction of more interesting color choices. The checkered red face with black body of the model pictured is just one of many combinations that are making moves towards really rethinking the color choices of high end watches. From shimmering blue faces on gold bodies to fluorescent green colors, Invicta mens watches are there to make it clear that men’s watches do not have to be constrained in a small world view of the color pallet. There are many combinations that can look stylish on men’s watches.
Of course women have been doing exciting things with the colors of their luxury accessories for decades. In a way the in roads being made by the folks at Invicta are long overdue. They look great now though!